Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Grayrealities is the only one who tries to help....

DJK down for the count, and only ONE comes to try to much for so-called "friends" and all this peace and love they always talk about.

Meanwhile in the room he DJ'ed in and in his group of friends, they're just hanging out in VlogDogRadio, not even bothering to care or help....

Yes, you all "love" eachother, care about eachother immensely, but aren't there when a friend is in need.  It proves the point I've been trying to make since day 1.  

DJK quits due to virus problems

LOL the idiot probably blames me for it too - just goes to show when you're an idiot, there is no hope...

the link is 

the onscreen message in the video reads "No music - got a virus - plus - I have failed, let everyone down and can't control my emotions when it comes to peoples drama! So to all...Im so very sorry!! Will be closing this station and removing myself from vaughn, thanks everyone!"


Tuesday, 18 June 2013

more Keith Stoeber info :)

Here's something from - he joined up there some time ago - it's a site for ex classmates from high schools, etc.

"Keith is single. His schools include Belleville Township West High School. He later attended University of Phoenix (Associate of Arts in Human Resources Management). He works(ed) at Traube Awning & Canvas Products, Greens Lawn Care, Belleville News-Democrat. Keith's interests include Rollercoasters, Roller coasters, Peanut butter, Green Bay Packers, Colorado Rockies, Phoenix Suns, Curtis Joseph, Gordie Howe, Mark Messier. Music he likes includes 3-D Monster, AIC Tribute Grind, Love of metal. Books he likes include Being Positive, Green Eggs and Ham Book, The Zombie Survival Guide. Movies he likes include I Am Legend, Step Brothers, Zombieland. TV shows he likes include Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Roseanne. One of Keith's favorite quotes is:"Cubs SUCK!, Accept nothing, challenge everything/ A guitarist is only as good as his drummer and bassist/ All That Glitters Is Not Gold, There's Brass And Copper Or It Might Be Plated/ Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity/ Don't take life too seriously, nobody ever makes it out alive anyway/ He who is silent speaks volumes/ Hold my beer and watch this/".

LOL - University of Phoenix?? A correspondence or online college that has been investigated by the government for its sketchy business and education practices.  Nice to see that human resources diploma got you a job in an office - NOT! 

More DJK dox!!

This one lists his former phone number and address in Swansea (Belleville) Illinois.  Might want to call up the ex-wife Karen if she's still residing there and give her a bit of a giggle!! Currently this idiot resides with Dawn Eschman Canter in Gainesville, TX area - looking for dox on her too.  If anyone has any information, please forward it to :)

Info from the above posted link - Keith Stoeber (email    

Age: 38
(618) 257-8910
419 Gilbert St
Swansea, IL 62226

Info on current girlfriend he lives with - Dawn K Canter

Another DJK Gem (cough yeahright cough)

Check out the terrible sound, digital computer noise, and terrible delivery on the microphone.  This guy claims he's been on real radio and "knows more than anyone else".  I'm sorry, but amateur college radio crap doesn't cut it asshole, as evidenced here.

working on dox/info for Keith Stoeber aka DJK

Here's a nice link :)

Nice pic LULZ   

Sister is named Karen Niepert :)

DJK the talentless clown

Here he is folks! DJK the talentless toothless idiot with the lowest IQ known to man!!

He's also a grandpa before the age of 40!! Woohoo!! Rednecks don't know how to keep it in their pants!!

Monday, 17 June 2013

Rednecks of Vaughnlive

If you put all of these people together, you might come up with enough total IQ to be able to pass grade 5.  alfromdtown, lametalman, jaydee, kat1, djk, phillybill58.  Oh I'm sure there are more but their names escape me at this moment.  If you want to have a laugh at low class idiots with no lives, check out these fucks.  #IntelligenceOverIgnorance

DJK - the saddest retard on

OH my god - this guy DJK is something else - talentless toothless uneducated loser.  Why is it all the foul mouth retards have all the technical trouble with their broadcasts?  It's funny to see morons like this falter.  "Oh it's Vaughnlive's fault" every time they have an issue.  Meanwhile every other room is broadcasting fine.  You know what that is?? It's called KARMA.  Well that plus the fact that you're computer illiterate.  Seems like everyone below a certain intelligence level has issues.  I'll just keep on watching their broadcasts and laughing.  And you will be seeing screenshots, videos, and other LULZ showcasing their lack of intelligence level above troglodyte.  For now, here are a list of stations on vaughnlive that have constant technical trouble, and the funny thing is they're all in the same group of idiot "friends".  Happy lurking and laughing!